Robot-Like "AI" HVAC Systems Are Coming Soon! - Weather Master Heating & Air Conditioning

Robot-Like “AI” HVAC Systems Are Coming Soon!

HVAC robot

There’s an artificial intelligence (AI) company out there that wants to lower HVAC costs! Our first thought is, “we want to learn more!” Would this artificial intelligence mean that robots will be taking over your home?

Well, let’s learn more about BrainBox and find out:

What is BrainBox?

BrainBox is a tech startup that was created from a desire to combat climate change. What exactly does smart HVAC have to do with it? Quite a lot, as you can imagine!

That’s because, the company claims, it can reduce the energy output of an HVAC system by up to 25%, and also “increase comfort” by up to 60%. These are lofty claims, but if this HVAC AI really can save you money while not skimping on comfort, we say that sounds great! Let’s learn more …

According to their website: “using deep learning, cloud-based computing … our solution autonomously optimizes existing HVAC control systems for maximum impact on energy consumption.”

What Does This Mean?

Well, they explain what the technology does in a three-step process: collecting data about your home; using algorithms to improve energy efficiency; and then putting this information into one big “Cloud” for research.

The technology collects data on the patterns of how your home or building operates, and the current energy use. It collects hundreds of thousands of numbers total, constantly gathers data on:

– the temperature outside

– where the sun and clouds are at any time of day

– how quickly fans push air through rooms, humidity

– and more!

Basically, this AI is collecting data on everything that could ever affect energy consumption!

So What’s the Next Step?

The software uses special algorithms that constantly keep updating themselves to reflect new data. Again, according to their website: “Our AI engine instructs your existing HVAC system on how to operate more intelligently and efficiently.” They compare it to a plane being on autopilot.

Their final step is taking your data and compiling it with other HVAC systems around the country, to answer questions like, “Which HVAC units have fewer problems and are the most energy efficient?” They say that monitoring this data will help improve the efficiency of your own HVAC system, too.

We think that this new, innovative way of using artificial technology to not only save money and be more comfortable, but also reduce energy consumption to help the planet, is an amazing idea! But the start-up is in its infancy stage, and it’s not quite clear (at least to us or anyone else who isn’t a computer scientist!), whether they will be able to deliver on this promise.

At any rate, we would be glad to work together in partnership with this technology — as cool as it is, robots won’t be able to repair HVAC equipment anytime soon!

If you live in the Raleigh area and haven’t gotten your A/C tune-up yet this year, we recommend you do so … from a human technician, for now! Call us at (919) 853-7910 or contact us online to learn more about our tune-ups.

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